Saturday, September 29, 2007

Straight Flush

The purpose of this post is not to gloat in my straight flush but to make the point that players need to raise and bet enough to prevent draws from calling you. I was in my regular $1-$2 no limit hold 'em game and picked up 9s-7s in late position. The pot was not raised so I limped in for the $2. There were about 6 players in the pot as is typical for a low stakes game. I know some people would argue to play my position and raise the pot pre-flop, but that is just not my style. I know I can out play my opponents after the flop and if I happened to hit a monster flop I would probably get paid off.

The flop came Js-10s-x. That is a great flop for my hand. I figured I would win with any spade or any 8--that is 12 outs. After a couple of checks a player led out with a bet about 3/4 of the size of the pot. I know raising is definitely an option, but I didn't want to go crazy without a made hand. I flat called and so did a player to my left. Everyone else folded. I hit my 8 on the turn--it was the 8 of spades. I just turned the nuts. The player to my right moved all in. You just can't ask for a better situation. Now I still had a player behind me so I didn't instantly call. I debated raising, but figured my best chance for the other player to get involved was if I just called. I called, the player to my left folded and the player to my right turned over a jack. He was drawing dead and I took down a nice pot.

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