Friday, June 1, 2007

An Amaizing Run

About two months ago, I had the most amazing run of cards and good play at the table. In the span of about an hour and a half I turned a $200 buy in into a little over $500 in a $1/$2 no limit hold 'em game. It was the perfect storm of good cards, inexperienced players and a good table image. I slow played A-K preflop and hit the K. Another player also hit top pair and raised me when I led out and bet at the pot. I put him all in. I won. I raised with 7-7. Flop came 6 high. I led out and bet. Opponent raised. I reraised all in. I won. Opponent had top pair. When I missed and led out everyone seemed to fold. I rarely was involved in a show down and when I was, I had it. I never held any big pairs, but I always managed to get myself into situations where I was able to bet strong and win a pot and not show. I also had my fair share of pots where people didn't think I was too strong and raised me and I pushed back with my big stack. I guess they thought I was bullying the table. I wasn't. It is always easy to bully the table when you hold good cards.

I was also taking advantage of inexperienced players. I fired the second and third bullet a few times against players who I knew could not stand a big bet. I limped in a pot with Ad-4d. I flop a flush draw. I lead out at the pot and get called by a novice player. I turn a pair of 4s and check. The novice makes a very small bet on the turn. I instantly call. I check again on the river and my opponent made another small bet. I raised him all in and won. Sessions like that don't happen often--making $300 in 1.5 hours is a pretty good hourly rate ($200/hour).

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