Wednesday, May 23, 2007


I recently played in a HOSE tournament (limit hold 'em, omaha 8/b, stud and stud 8/b). While I didn't get too far in the tournament, I came to realize that you can not afford to make any mistakes in a mixed games tournament. Having not played much limit hold 'em, I failed to lead out with Ace high on a ragged flop and allowed my opponent to catch a pair on the river. I made up for most of those lost chips by making two full houses in the omaha 8/b round (although I got little action on them). Knowing that stud isn't my best game, I tried to stay out of marginal situations. I made one bad stud play where I got priced into a pot where I had a pair of Aces, straight and flush draw. I was up against a tricky player who was representing a straight. Of course, he could have easily held two pair also. I knew I had a better straight draw and I also had a flush draw too. There was also a chance that I could pair again and make a better two pair. I totally missed and had to fold on 7th street. After that, I was marginally short stacked.

I split two pots in stud 8 and picked up a few chips. Then we went back to hold 'em and I knew I had to acquire some chips at this level if I wanted any kind of decent shot of winning. I made it two bets to go with K-Q and after a ragged flop hit, there was a bet and a raise before action got to me. I had to fold. I finally picked up 10-10 and raise pre-flop again. I got only one caller and I was pot committed so I threw my last few chips in on a jack high flop. My opponent held Q-J and I was done. While I would have liked to last a bit longer in this tournament, I learned that even small mistakes are costly. I also learned that I could use some more work on my stud game. If anything, it was a learning experience that will make me a better player.

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