Saturday, November 17, 2007

Did this guy know we were playing razz???

I just don't get what this guy was thinking on this hand. Gotta love the razz donkeys. If you can't figure it out, I'm in Seat 2. This one doesn't even require any comments from me. It is just that bad.

Seat 1: (1,485)
Seat 2: (1,515)
Seat 1 antes 5
Seat 2 antes 5
*** 3RD STREET ***
Dealt to Seat 1 [9s]
Dealt to Seat 2 [4h 5h] [9d]
Seat 1 is high with [9s]
Seat 1 completes it to 30
Seat 2 calls 30
*** 4TH STREET ***
Dealt to Seat 1 [9s] [Js]
Dealt to Seat 2 [4h 5h 9d] [7h]
Seat 2 bets 30
Seat 1 raises to 60
Seat 2 calls 30
*** 5TH STREET ***
Dealt to Seat 1 [9s Js] [Td]
Dealt to Seat 2 [4h 5h 9d 7h] [6c]
Seat 2 bets 60
Seat 1 raises to 120
Seat 2 raises to 180
Seat 1 raises to 240
Seat 2 calls 60
*** 6TH STREET ***
Dealt to Seat 1 [9s Js Td] [Jh]
Dealt to Seat 2 [4h 5h 9d 7h 6c] [As]
Seat 2 bets 60
Seat 1 raises to 120
Seat 2 raises to 180
Seat 1 raises to 240
Seat 2 calls 60
*** 7TH STREET ***
Dealt to Seat 2 [4h 5h 9d 7h 6c As] [Kd]
Seat 2 bets 60
Seat 1 raises to 120
Seat 2 raises to 180
Seat 1 raises to 240
Seat 2 calls 60
*** SHOW DOWN ***
Seat 1 shows [4s Ah 9s Js Td Jh Ac] J,T,9,4,A
Seat 2 shows [Kd 5h 9d 7h 6c As 4h] 7,6,5,4,A
Seat 2 wins the pot (1,630) with 7,6,5,4,A

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